[mdlug] logout script?

Carl T. Miller millerc at cantonpl.org
Wed Dec 20 16:44:43 EST 2006

Wojtak, Greg wrote:
> Here¹s a problem we¹ve been banging our heads against for the past week.
> We
> have an application running where users telnet into the server, and their
> profile sets up their environment appropriately and then ushers them into
> the application.  Is there any way to execute a script as they are
> exiting?
> If someone comes up with a good solution, I can offer a coveted no-prize...
> :-/

<train of thought>Ooh.  Ooohh.  The coveted no-prize.  I want
that!<train derailed>

I'm not really clear on what you want to do.  It sounds like
users telnet to a server, get environment variables set in
their current (only) shell, then exec a new shell to run the
app.  Is the app telnet based?  When you mention executing a
script as they exit, do you mean from the app or from the
original shell?


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