[mdlug] GRUB question

Michael Corral micorral at comcast.net
Sun Dec 3 15:26:03 EST 2006

2006-12-03, Monsieur David Relson a ecrit:
> With the following partitions and mount points
>   hda1 31mb  /boot
>   hda5 10GB  /
>   hda8 150GB /home
> I want GRUB to boot from hda1.  However it insists on booting from
> hda5.
> I've tried the following:
> 1 - gparted - used to set the boot flag on hda1
> 2 - command "grub-install /dev/hda"
> 3 - Upon booting, used grub's command line to execute
>    root (hd0,4)

You need to change (hd0,4) to (hd,0).


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