I've got a potential conflict for the 7/14 meeting. A conversion of an application from HP-UX to Linux is scheduled. It may conflict but we've not gotten confirmation of the date. We may complete the conversion early enough for me to get to the meeting (after all we are going to Linux - how hard can that be?). We should know, hopefully, by Monday night if the conversion will go ahead. So, possibly I won't be able to deliver the catering goods and the wireless access point. _____________________________________________________________ Give back to your community. Click here to start a new career as a Police officer. http://track.juno.com/s/lc?u=http://tagline.untd.us/fc/Ioyw6iieZt2oeA85sA5lMLne6SDYQgKpjlEIhkv5sCpfHHpJkE3OmS/