[mdlug] CPL Hack Day 2: Electric Boogaloo

Garry Stahl tesral at wowway.com
Mon May 9 17:27:39 EDT 2011

Repost for Hack Day.

The 25th looks looks a go for me. We have some time to actually plan a
program. Having seen what the Hack day is about now I think we can have
a more realistic idea as to what can be accomplished.

Personally I think we should hack. This month's meeting is a perfect
example. Demystify computer hardware. Push Linux of course, but point
out that it is the OS for the person that wishes to do more than play
solitaire, surf the net and write powerpoint presentations.

A few ideas:

"Myth TV" -- This applies to a lot of people. Get a working Myth TV set
up and demonstrate it.

"It's Not a Black Box" -- Demystify the laptop. Take a lap top apart and
reassemble it.

"Don't Ignore the Hardware" -- Computer maintenance. Talk about dust,
cleaning out the computer, and keeping the machine going.

"You Don't Need Weak Squad." -- Demonstrate installing memory and hard
drives. Show how to do a backup using several tools. Discuss the "cloud"
and what it really means.

I will of course bring the burn box with as many distros as I can
reasonably hold. I'll look for Myth TV builds and some useful
specialized distro. Suggestions are welcome. Of course I have Knoppix,
Puppy, and Damn Small Linux.

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

Journalism is publishing what someone doesn't want us to know, the rest is propaganda. -- Horacio Verbitsky
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The Olde Phoenix Inn http://phoenixinn.iwarp.com
Metro Detroit Linux Users Group http://www.mdlug.org

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