[mdlug] Smartctl Reports Errors on HDD

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Tue Mar 30 14:17:09 EDT 2010

> From: Peter Bart
> 	Time I do have, I can set the machine to running with dd and go
> other things. And yes I know drives are cheap. I don't really want to
> spend anymore than absolutely necessary. I've allready replaced the
> burner, and toyed with the idea of adding to the 1gb of ram.

 Do be careful. Drive failure can be progressive. After the install,
make sure to keep an eye on the smartctl stuff; Ubuntu sets up a drive
daemon by default, I think. Heed its warnings if it says problems remain
on the drive...


 Ray Ingles                                           (313) 227-2317

 "...we must ask not whether the guilty deserve more protection than
       those procedures afford, but whether the innocent do."
 - Ronald Dworkin, on military tribunals, detention without charges,
           and surveillance of lawyer-client communication

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