[mdlug] Linux in the Main sream

David Lane dcl400m at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 9 13:49:36 EST 2007

I have read articles about Linux resources, yes objective ones.  And a major element that will put it in the main stream is “ease of use.”  That includes installation, setup, and upgrades.  Every body knows that Unix/Linux is a “better” operating system.  
  The main stream sees it as an appliance resource, or something that the “IT” can’t fully support.  As an IT professional I like Linux, because If I really need to tweak the OS I can.  The idea of open source is pretty great.  
  The reality is that most of the higher ups in the org’s that we work for are conservative, yes Easy to use Windows.  I have fought many wars over this in my professional life.  
  A solution to this is:
   Introducing more business leaders to the value of Linux and other open source resources.  
   Being a resource to those that are crossing over.  
   Training this group on common Linux applications.   
   Overcoming the objections many IT leader have to using Linux or even becoming a “Linux Shop” 
  Please don’t forget that it is money that fuels the Linux bus.
  We have to know that the big kid on the block is really not going to set back and let Linux gain momentum in the market place.
  The GREAT thing is that the Linux community has the best and brightest, (I’m highly subjective on this point). ß MY lawyer made me put that in.
  When more and more people request Linux help with their Internet connection then they will invest in resources that help their clients because it make$ cent$.
  David C. Lane

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