[mdlug-discuss] health care (was: Iraq stuff again)

Brian Riggs riggs.brian at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 15:36:58 EDT 2007

Why is this on this list?  People, please, take it somewhere else.

On 3/28/07, Ingles, Raymond <Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com> wrote:
> > From: Aaron Kulkis
> > >  And your reason for dismissing out of hand the first-person reports
> > > in the first two links is...
> >
> > I barely have time to read my email.
> Ah, okay. So if you don't have time to contribute, that's cool. But that
> also means that your pronouncements on it are, well, a bit dubious. She
> was commenting *on* those links, however, so your dismissal needs to take
> that into account.
> In any case, take care of yourself over there.
> > I was just commenting that your last link is from a source
> > so utterly lacking in credibility that it seriously calls
> > into question your ability to descern the reasonable from
> > the stark-raving lunatics.
> Um... frankly, that Bill Donohue guy strikes me as far more qualified
> for that title. If you manage to squeeze in time to read a news article
> or two, just read what he himself writes. The article I pointed out has
> several convenient links. "In technical terminology... he's a loon."
> > HERSELF, there never would have been an opportunity for a smear
> > campaign.
> I only saw stuff that implied she disagreed intensely with positions of
> the Catholic Church. No biggie, so far as I'm concerned. I've a bone or
> two to pick with them myself, for example:
> http://ingles.homeunix.org/rants/stupids.html#hpvv
> http://ingles.homeunix.org/rants/stupids.html#gaymar
> > Face it, Ray, she's an all out hate-filled bigot.
> I didn't see anything she wrote that's worse than what I wrote (feel free
> to point something out), and I'm *married* to a Catholic, and we've got
> our
> tenth anniversary coming up in May, and we're expecting our fourth kid in
> June. Seeing as I don't consider myself a bigot, I'm kind of willing to
> cut
> 'pandagon' some slack.
> > >  P.P.S. Any response to this?
> > > http://mdlug.org/pipermail/mdlug-discuss/2007-March/000076.html
> Yeah, I thought not.
> Sincerely,
> Ray Ingles                                             (313) 227-2317
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spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to percieve
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