[mdlug-discuss] health care (was: Iraq stuff again)
Aaron Kulkis
akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Tue Mar 27 18:29:59 EDT 2007
Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>> From: Aaron Kulkis
>>> http://www.faultline.org/place/toad/archive/003113.html
>>> http://www.faultline.org/place/toad/archive/003114.html
>>> http://pandagon.net/2007/03/14/i-thought-donated-meant-free/
>> Pandagon?
>> You realize that she's so far off the deep end that even
>> the Edwards campaign fired her.
>> Really, Ray, you must learn to be more selective in your
>> sources of information.
> And your reason for dismissing out of hand the first-person reports
> in the first two links is...
I barely have time to read my email.
I reply to a bit.
If I'm lucky, I can read a news article.
Today, my day started at 0730...and went until past midnight.
In fact, I shouldn't even be reading my email right now, but,
well, it's my only form of amusement to keep me on an even keel.
I was just commenting that your last link is from a source
so utterly lacking in credibility that it seriously calls
into question your ability to descern the reasonable from
the stark-raving lunatics.
> Sincerely,
> Ray Ingles (313) 227-2317
> "So when it comes to sacrifice [after 9/11], don't kid yourself. You have
> given up a lot. You've given up faith in your government's honesty, the
> goodwill of people overseas, and six-tenths of the Bill of Rights. Here's
> what you've sacrificed: search and seizure, warrants, self-incrimination,
> trial by jury, cruel and unusual punishment. Here's what you have left:
> hand guns, religion, and they can't make you quarter a British soldier."
> - Bill Maher
> P.S. The smear campaign against 'pandagon' was apparently orchestrated
> by this guy:
HERSELF, there never would have been an opportunity for a smear
Face it, Ray, she's an all out hate-filled bigot.
> http://majikthise.typepad.com/majikthise_/2007/02/who_is_amandaba.html
> You might want to read about the person who's work you're doing.
> Just saying.
> P.P.S. Any response to this?
> http://mdlug.org/pipermail/mdlug-discuss/2007-March/000076.html
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