[mdlug-discuss] Iraq stuff again

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Thu Mar 15 19:47:10 EDT 2007

Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>> From: allen
>>>  I'm the one who's saying that the terrorists are *not* a vital threat.
>>> In what way do I sound "AFRAID" of them?
>> What would constitute a "vital" threat as opposed to a real threat?
>  How about what I wrote in my message: something that "threaten[s] our
> country's existence"?
>> There's a big hole in the ground in New York City that makes it clear 
>> the threat is real and not inconsequential.
>  Nor did I say it's 'inconsequential'. In fact, I said: "It makes sense
> to take steps to deal with and mitigate the problem."
>  Now we're just arguing about what steps to take. Don't try to pretend
> that I advocate ignoring terrorists, because I don't. But clearly we
> should make sure our response is in proprotion to the actual threat.

Arm the population.  An armed man or woman is not a victim.  Step back
from the victim disarmament laws and let people carry guns.

If there had been a single registered gun on every one of those planes
the twin towers would still be standing.  The one plane where the
passengers did not play the good victims never made its target.  We
don't need an army on the ground.  We simply need We the People to stand
up and say "NO!  This does not fly here."

The Iraq war is a distraction that is doing nothing for our security or
safety.  It is drawing troops away from where they are needed, it is
getting people killed for nothing.  Time to end what should not have
started in the first place.

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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