[mdlug-discuss] [Fwd: [phoenixinn] A windows user reacts]
Ingles, Raymond
Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Thu Mar 22 10:03:19 EDT 2007
> From: Garry Stahl
> The backlash mounts.
> http://www.strike-the-root.com/71/tudor/tudor2.html
I've had a bit more time with our new Vista system. (AMD Sempron 1.8GHz
(allegedly equivalent to a 3GHz+ processor), 1GB RAM, 80GB disk, Geforce
6150 integrated graphics.)
Vista with 1GB of RAM is slow. Just plain slow. Frankly, it feels a bit
like a LiveCD, except things don't speed up that much after they've been
loaded. I've disabled some stuff (particularly 'superfetch') and, well,
haven't noticed much of an improvement.
It's also unreliable. I've had a couple times when the screen goes blank
for a second, and then it comes back up with a message that the "display
driver froze". And I've loaded up a few games onto it, with bad results.
These are older games, far from state of the art:
1. Aliens versus Predator 2: Runs slow, audio is skippy. Many times fails
to launch properly.
2. Tron 2.0: Slow, skippy audio. Seems to always launch into the game
menu, but firing up a save game crashes the program more often than not.
Vista doesn't crash at this point, but it takes about five minutes for
it to recover.
3. No One Lives Forever 2: Actually runs okay, much of the time. But
about 50% of the time it won't launch a saved game, it instead crashes
to the desktop. At least it's faster than Tron 2.0 at crashing, and
a relaunch usually (~90% of the time) is successful.
One thing to note is that all of the above games are based on the
Lithtech game engine.
4. Freedom Force: "This program is not compatible with Vista."
5. Half-Life, Half-Life 2: Worked for the limited testing I did. HL2
is much slower and jittery on this system, though.
I'm going to have to dig out some other games and see how they work.
Of course, all the *other* games I like run fine on Linux, either with
native ports or one or two under WINE... and even the Half-Life based
ones work at about the 95% level.
Ray Ingles (313) 227-2317
"The White House is starting to backtrack a little on this whole
National Guard thing. Like today they said President Bush may not
have actually attended the National Guard, but he did attend
National Guard-related programs." - Jay Leno
Ray Ingles (313) 227-2317
"Open source code is not guaranteed nor does it come with a
warranty." - the Alexis de Tocqueville Institute
"I guess that's in contrast to proprietary software, which
comes with a money-back guarantee, and free on-site repairs
if any bugs are found." - Rary
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